Friday, January 29, 2016

Data Center Design Criteria

The uptime institute has established four levels of fault tolerance for data centers. The below tier classification has been an accepted standard for defining the levels of the data center fault tolerance. A data center is said to be concurrent maintainable, only if they are able to perform the planned maintenance activity without shutting down the critical loads.

Single path for power and cooling distribution; no redundant components – less than 28.8 hours downtime/year
Single path for power and cooling distribution; Redundant components – less than 22.0 hours downtime/year
Multiple power and cooling distribution paths, but only one path active; redundant components; concurrently maintainable – less than 1.6 hours of downtime/year
Multiple active power and cooling distribution paths; redundant components; fault tolerant – less than 0.4 hour of downtime/year
Source: The Uptime Institute

·        TIER 1 Data Center

A TIER 1 data center is a basic data center, which was first deployed in 1965. It is prone to disruptions from both planned and unplanned activity. This type or data center may or may not have a generator or UPS. In order to perform annual maintenance or repair work, the data center should be completely shut down.

·        TIER 2 Data Center

A TIER 2 data center has all the features of TIER 1 which was first deployed in 1970. It has redundant components and less prone to disruptions from both planned and unplanned activity. This data center has a raised floor height of 18 inches and has multiple servers, UPS and generators. The redundant component is “Need plus one” (N+1), which is a single threaded distribution. In this the applications are covered by some kind of Business continuity or Disaster Recovery plan.

·        TIER 3 Data Center

TIER 3 data center was first deployed in 1985, which incorporates all the features of TIER 2. In this tier, planned maintenance activity (Like repair and replacement of components, testing of components, programmable maintenance, etc.) can be performed without disrupting the computer hardware components. But the unplanned activities (Like failures in facility infrastructure components) will result in disruption. This type of data center has redundant power, cooling and networking systems. It is highly secured and can handle up to 72 hours of power outage.

·        TIER 4 Data Center

A TIER 4 data center has all the features of TIER 3 and is fault tolerant. This was first deployed in the year 1995. This type of data center has active distribution paths which is System + System configuration (i.e. it has two separate UPS system with N+1 redundancy in each system). In this tier, all the computer hardware requires dual power inputs. The rooms and zones are isolated and has the raised floor height of 30 to 36 inches. In order to achieve high availability, reliability and serviceability, this tier employs Clustering, Direct Access Storage Devices (DASD), 24/7 monitoring, Thermal storage and many more. Tier 4 data centers are the most expensive to build and maintain.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Equinix Chicago Data Center

Hello Everyone...,
            In today's world, large amounts of data are being collected and processed. We all would be wondering where these data are being stored? These data are being stored in a physical storage area called Data Center. In this blog we shall discuss about a particular data center "Equinix Chicago Data Center". Equinix is the world’s largest International Business Exchange (IBX) data center and colocation provider. It contains 145 data centers in fifteen countries. In US they have more than two million square feet of space. The Chicago data center is 280,000 square feet of space which is located at Elk Grove village. This data center is a three-storey building with first floor containing the facility infrastructure and the second and third floor containing the colocation space.            
            Overall Equinix provide very good security which helps to keep the data secured. In Chicago data center, they have multiple layers and levels of security. Dozens of security cameras are placed inside the data center which helps to monitor the center effectively. In order to avoid unauthorized person to access the data center they have also used bio metric scanners. Also the lock doors would require unique identification code to access it.The floor of the facility infrastructure is made up of concrete slab and the floor of colocation space is made up of tiles, which is being cooled daily. The model of Chicago data center is called as upside down data center, which in turn consist of overhead cable trays, which has thousands of cross connects containing copper, fiber and coaxial cables.

(Inside the Equinix Chicago Data Center)

The temperature of colocation floor is maintained between 68°F to 72°F. The Chicago data center contains four air handler rooms; east and west side of the colocation room contains the air handlers. The warm air from the colocation room is sent to the filters, where it is being cooled. Using ducts, the cooled air is again taken back to the colocation room and then sent to equipment’s for cooling.

In almost all the data centers, most of the heat is being produced by the computer equipment’s. In Chicago data center, sensors are being placed throughout the floors which will monitor the cooling requirements in a particular area. When the sensors call for more cooling in a particular area, then the building management system increases the frequency of the fan and supply more cool air to the place where it is needed. Also they have eight 750 ton Trane chillers and on the roof they have 8 bottom air coil water cooling towers. When the outdoor air temperature is 45°F, the heat exchangers stops the mechanical cooling and uses the outdoor air to cool the colocation space.

The overall capacity of the facility is 30 MW. This data center contains 15 diesel generators, with 12 generators that are kept online and 3 more generators on standby. Also they have two swing generators, which can be used for maintenance purposes. This facility contains two 34.5 KV lines and the remaining of the facility operates on 480 V. Overall Equinix strives hard to satisfy their customers in all ways. Hope I have provided some insights on Equinix Chicago data center. Soon I will be sharing some other information about data center and its operation in my next blog.
